MLM Flag

MLM flag with 5 even horizontal stripes which are colored (top to bottom): red-orange, yellow, white, green, and navy blue. The colors are from roosters.

Created by Raymond Roach on 6 July 2019

Unveiled at


MLM or “men loving men” is a term for all men and masculine nonbinary people who are attracted to similarly masculine identified people in any sexual or romantic way. (Inclusive of gay, bi, pan, ace, aro, etc.)


Red for POWER

Yellow for JOY

White for you know πŸ˜‰



The difference between power and strength is “power is how you can control the world, and strength is how you can control yourself. both are important but they’re definitely not at all the same thing.”

This flag is inclusive of anyone who identifies as male full or part time and feel love for other people who identify as men, including gay, bi, pan, ace, aro, polyamorous, trans, nonbinary, genderqueer, etc. men.

About the Creator

Raymond Roach (he/him) is a queer artist from Indiana. He wanted to make a flag for everyone who identifies as a man who loves men.

Style Guide

This flag has 5 even horizontal stripes which are colored (top to bottom): red-orange (#CD2F26) , yellow (#F5CC1A), white (#F8F8F6), green (#4D8D6B), and navy blue (#063A50). The colors are from roosters. Raymond included this rooster illustration in the flag’s introduction.

An illustration of a rooster in the colors of the MLM flag. The comb and waddle are red-orange; the feathers on the neck, wingtips, back, and feet are yellow with white highlights; and the main body, wings, and tail feathers are navy blue with green highlights. In the lower left corner is a small version of the MLM flag.
Rooster in the colors of the MLM flag by Raymond Roach.

This flag and the illustration of the rooster are in the public domain. You do not need permission to use, sell, or alter it in any way. Attribution is appreciated.


MLM Flag unveiling

Private message with the creator.

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